About me
Couple Therapist I Coach I Relationships

I am 35 years old and live in Berlin with my partner and our daughter. As a couples therapist and coach, I am passionate about accompanying and supporting people on their way to fulfilling and happy relationships.
After realizing how strongly my interpersonal relationships influence my well-being, I began to study attachment psychology and my relationship with myself and my partner in depth. Since then, I have been convinced that everyone can learn to have a happy and fulfilling relationship.
To help other people achieve this, I have trained as a couples therapist and systemic coach. It is a matter close to my heart to use my experience and expertise to help people increase their well-being in relationships.
Training & Certification
The Work of Byron Katie in professional coaching
Institute for Systemic Competence Berlin
Alternative practitioner for psychotherapy (Heilpraktiker für Psychotherapie)
Institut Christoph Maar Berlin
EFT basic training with Matthias Angelstorf and member of the EFT Community
International Center for Excellence in Emotionally Focused Therapy
Couples therapist (IIP)
Institute for Integrative Couple Therapy Berlin
Systemic Personal & Business Coach
Coaching Academy Berlin
B.Sc. and MA - Business Administration
University of Cologne I RFH Cologne

My approach
Emotion-focused and solution-oriented
Integration of methods and development impulses from couples therapy, systemic coaching and scientific studies
Trustful encounter at eye level
Safe space and attentive listening
Personal development and growth with ease
Impartial moderation in a pair setup